Purple Slime

Core Keeper
Azeos' Wilderness

Purple Slime Attributes

Attribute Standard Hard Casual
Max Health 870 1305 435
50% Every 5 Seconds
50% Every 5 Seconds
50% Every 5 Seconds
128−156 Leap
256−312 Leap
64−78 Leap
Move Speed
10 Idle
15 Chasing
100 Leap
10 Idle
15 Chasing
100 Leap
10 Idle
15 Chasing
100 Leap
  • +100% Chance To Apply Poison On Hit
  • Reduces Enemy Healing Received By 75%
  • Immune To Being Slowed By Slime
  • Immune To Poison
  • +100% Chance To Apply Poison On Hit
  • Reduces Enemy Healing Received By 75%
  • Immune To Being Slowed By Slime
  • Immune To Poison
  • +100% Chance To Apply Poison On Hit
  • Reduces Enemy Healing Received By 75%
  • Immune To Being Slowed By Slime
  • Immune To Poison

Internal ID


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