Core Keeper Boss

Glurch The Abominous Mass

Glurch The Abominous Mass

Slime Undergrounds
Max Health 2,459
Ghorm The Devourer

Ghorm The Devourer

Attacks All But Not Attacked Clay Caves
Max Health 8,061
Atlantean Worm

Atlantean Worm

Aquatic, Sea Creature Sunken Sea
Max Health 9641, (per segment)
Malugaz The Corrupted

Malugaz The Corrupted

Caveling Forgotten Ruins
Max Health 14,513
King Slime

King Slime

Boss, Slime Undergrounds, Azeos' Wilderness, Sunken Sea, Molten Quarry
Max Health 24,188
The Hive Mother

The Hive Mother

Boss, Larva Larva Hive
Max Health 24,671
Haunted Hive Mother

Haunted Hive Mother

Larva Larva Hive
Max Health 24,671
Awakened Azeos

Awakened Azeos

Boss, Bird Azeos' Wilderness
Max Health 31,813
Azeos The Sky Titan

Azeos The Sky Titan

Bird Azeos' Wilderness
Max Health 31,813
Ivy The Poisonous Mass

Ivy The Poisonous Mass

Slime Azeos' Wilderness
Max Health 39,155
Morpha The Aquatic Mass

Morpha The Aquatic Mass

Slime Sunken Sea
Max Health 84,551
Omoroth The Sea Titan

Omoroth The Sea Titan

Boss, Aquatic, Sea Creature Sunken Sea
Max Health 90,772
Crydra The Ice Titan

Crydra The Ice Titan

Unfriendly Against All Sunken Sea
Max Health 136,992
Druidra The Wild Titan

Druidra The Wild Titan

Boss, Unfriendly Against All Azeos' Wilderness
Max Health 136,992
Pyrdra The Fire Titan

Pyrdra The Fire Titan

Boss, Unfriendly Against All Desert Of Beginnings
Max Health 136,992
Ra Akar The Sand Titan

Ra Akar The Sand Titan

Scarab Desert Of Beginnings
Max Health 160,799
Igneous The Molten Mass

Igneous The Molten Mass

Slime Molten Quarry
Max Health 160,799


Passage Enemy Passage
Max Health 249,826
Core Commander

Core Commander

Core Boss Desert Of Beginnings
Max Health 465,385