Explorer's Set

Explorer's Set Attributes
Attribute | Default |
Rarity | Common |
Level | 2 |
Sell | 18 (set) |

Explorer's Jacket
Type | Vanity |
Rarity | Common |
Slot | Chest |
Durability | 75 |
Tooltip | A leather jacket that's almost too warm to wear on adventures, but it looks cool! |
Crafting Exp. | 6 |
Category | Equipment Breast Armor |
Sell | 7 |

Explorer's Pants
Type | Vanity |
Rarity | Common |
Slot | Pants |
Durability | 70 |
Tooltip | A good pair of pants that is made for traveling long distances and sneaking past ancient traps. |
Crafting Exp. | 5 |
Category | Equipment Pants Armor |
Sell | 6 |

Explorer's Hat
Type | Vanity |
Rarity | Common |
Slot | Helm |
Durability | 85 |
Tooltip | A hat that's made to go adventuring. Never falls off, even when a giant boulder is chasing behind. |
Crafting Exp. | 4 |
Category | Equipment Helm |
Sell | 5 |